Guangzhou Lianguan Health Biotechnology Limited Company

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Edible Mushroom Cultivation Has The Most Development Prospects

Edible Mushroom Cultivation Has The Most Development Prospects

With the improvement of people's living standards, consumers' demands for the nutrition and health value of food itself are getting higher and higher. The diet structure has shifted from the initial focus on high-starch foods to high-protein foods. The dietary concept has also gone from "satisfaction" The transition from "eat well" to "nutrition nourishment". In today's highly materialized civilization, the types of food are very rich, and the "three highs" caused by overnutrition-high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and high blood fats have become one of the most prominent problems affecting human health. "Nutrition tonic" has been regarded as the highest requirement for food, and the term "health care" came into being. So, what kind of food is health food? The answer is edible mushrooms.


Edible fungi contains many kinds of vitamins, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, ascorbic acid, ergosterol, etc., among them, the content of b vitamins and vitamin d is unmatched by ordinary vegetables; the content of trace elements in edible fungi is extremely high, some Minerals are very unique. People praise edible fungus as a "health food" with high protein, low fat and multi-drug efficacy.


Mushroom foods are not only widely recognized as food ingredients, but because of their unique medicinal value, they have already been included in the list of precious medicinal materials. The medicinal value of mushrooms, fungus, ganoderma and other edible fungi are common in Chinese medical classics . Lentinula edodes also has the ability to reduce plasma cholesterol levels, prevent myocardial infarction, hypertension, and coronary heart disease. Lentinan contained in Lentinula edodes has anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects. At present, my country has developed a variety of mushroom drugs and health products. The development of edible fungus health care and medicinal products has extremely broad prospects.

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